Engaging Students in Open Education

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Open education is a hot topic on post secondary campuses these days. This year UBC saw the #textbookbroke campaign led by the Alma Mater society – advocating for the use of open textbooks and open practices in the classroom to reduce costs for students; the adoption of open textbooks and resources in large multi section physics and math courses; and the continuing development of open teaching practices with Wikipedia projects and student produced, openly published content. How do we engage students with open educational practices that go beyond making their work public to making it re-usable or available for others to build on? Why is open education important to students and to what extent can it enrich the teaching and learning environment?

Join us on March 10th from 1:30-3:00pm  for a panel discussion highlighting open courses, projects and initiatives from UBC and beyond.

Register to participate


University of British Columbia

Canada, Vancouver

Contributed by: Lucas Wright

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 10, 2016 13:30
  (view in other timezones)
