Exponential Teachers Hangout with Creative Commons
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konoz (www.konoz.io) is a learning network with courses from Exponential Teachers in subjects from Aerospace to Zumba. For Open Education Week, the Creative Commons will join konoz teachers in a live streamed conversation. Join us as we talk with Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Education at CC, about how open licensing, the internet, a sharing culture among educators and new open policies are shifting education resources and practices from scarcity to abundance.
What is an Exponential Teacher?
By posting educational videos to YouTube in 2006, Sal Khan has helped tens of millions of students worldwide through the Khan Academy. He has inspired many to open up their work to the internet and guide more students than one could previously teach in a lifetime.
Henry of MinutePhysics has over 1M students engaging with science each week. Ali has taught a single yoga class to 1.2M people and has hundreds more. Leonardo showed 11M aspiring artists how to sketch a droplet of water.
Our vision is to empower 10,000 Exponential Teachers to share their passions reaching 100,000+ students each, positively impacting the lives of over a billion people. This is The Learning Renaissance.
What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization at the center of a high-profile, international movement to promote sharing of creativity and knowledge. Its goal is to help realize the full potential of the Internet—universal access to research and education, full participation in culture—to drive a new era of development growth, and productivity. CC provides the well-known suite of licenses that have become the global standard used by leading companies, institutions and individuals across culture, education, government, science, and more to promote digital collaboration and innovation. The CC licenses are everywhere—1 billion CC licenses in use across 9 million websites—making it easy for anyone to use and re-use content.
CC works to keep the internet creative, free and open. CC builds upon current copyright law, allowing you to legally use “some rights reserved” music, movies, images, and other content — all for free. CC offers free copyright licenses that anyone can use (without a lawyer) to mark your creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. See their video on sharing: https://creativecommons.org/remix/video/
United States, Palo Alto
Contributed by: Angela Morente Cheng
Language: English