Open Education Seminar & Debate

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TU Delft has been active in the field of Open Education for years. After having started with the OpenCourseWare program in 2007, MOOCs and online education have complemented the open ambitions in 2014. Today, TU Delft Open Education has matured in such a way that we are now ready for the next step: offering Credits for MOOCs. During the Open Education Seminar different facets on this subject will be highlighted from different perspectives.

Opening/Keynoteby Anka Mulder and international guests
Parallel sessions: guest speakers from Delft, the Netherlands and beyond
Debate:share your thoughts on Open Education and Credits for MOOCs

Thursday March 10th, 14:00 – 17:00h, register

Keynote: The Future of Open Education: Credits for MOOCs
Drs. Anka Mulder (Vice President Education TU Delft)

Drs. Anka Mulder (Vice President Education TU Delft) recently took the initiative in exploring the possibilities of participating for connecting MOOCs more closely to formal education. During the Open Education Seminar Anka Mulder will share how she sees Open Education will shape the future of higher Education. And which next steps Delft University of Technology will take in the world of open education in collaboration with several international partner universities, like the University of Queensland, the University of British Columbia and EPFL.

Parellel Sessions: cooperation and reuse

After the plenary program several guest speakers will share their experiences and perspectives, to prepare you for the final debate.

Blending formal education with MIT MOOC materials
Herman Russchenberg, Delft University of Technology
As a professor at Delft University of Technology Prof. Russchenberg decided not to develop new course materials, but to reuse an existing MIT MOOC combined with the Water & Climate TU Delft MOOC for his campus students. This lead to an exciting blend of MIT and DUT education. In his session Prof. Ruschenberg will show you a little bit of this blended experience and go into his motivations and experiences: why did he decide to integrate another universities materials? And what was the result?

Open Education: Do It Yourself!
Pim Bellinga, founder IhateStatistics
Pim Bellinga studied a formal education program at Delft University of Technology. After his graduation he founded the company “I Hate statistics”. In his session Pim will share how he used open education sources available on the web to develop his skills in programming, enabling him to build a platform and start up his own company.

Connecting with other universities
Marja Verstelle, Program Manager Online Learning Lab, Leiden University
Leiden University was the first Dutch university to join Coursera. The University of Leiden has extensive experience in the development of MOOCs. Besides production, the university has experimented in several ways with using MOOCs in its own formal education, like a MOOC from VanderBilt University. During this session Marja Verstelle will share experiences and elaborate on the benefits for students, teachers and the university, and also the practical side, including examples how students received a recognition for successfully finishing a MOOC.

The merits of Open textbooks
Erik Pruyt, associate professor at Delft University of Technology
In his session Erik Pruyt will share the motivations and the many results of developing and sharing an open textbook. Why would you spend so much time in developing your own open textbook? And what do you need to develop an open textbook? Prof. Erik Pruyt will tell all about his motives and final results.

Adopting Open Education in formal education
Robert Schuwer, Lector Open Educational resources Fontys University of Applied Science
As Lector Open Educational Resources (OER) at Fontys University of Applied Science Robert Schuwer believes reuse of existing OER and other forms of open education offers many advantages, like higher effectiveness of education in combination with lower cost. In his session Robert Schuwer will share his view on how this goal could be reached.

TU Delft Open Science
Chantal Brokerhof, project leader TU Delft Open Science
In 2015 Delft University of Technology agreed on taking the next step towards Open Science, where the worlds of Open Education, Open Research, Open Data and Open ICT join forces. During her session Chantal Brokerhof will go in more depth on the ambitions of the Delft University of Technology in Open Science.

Multipurpose education, connection with the field
Joost Groot Kormelink, Delft University of Technology
The MOOC Responsible Innovation has been used in different ways for multiple purposes. Project Leader Joost Groot Kormelink will share how you could reuse the same contents for different purposes and different audiences. What are the key success factors?

In the final debate you will have a chance to have your voice be heard on the topics you have heard today. Timo Kos (Director education and student affairs TU Delft) will lead the discussion and stimulate a lively debate. So prepare yourself for the closing Open Education Debate.


Delft University of Technology

Netherlands, Delft

Contributed by: Martijn Ouwehand

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 10, 2016 02:00
  (view in other timezones)