24hGW: BCCampus Self-Publishing Guide - Lauri Aesoph

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Part of the 24-hour Global Web-a-thon:

An increasing number of post-secondary faculty and staff are writing open textbooks. For authors who don’t have the support of an academic press or open textbook publisher, BCcampus Open Education has released a “Self-Publishing Guide” that covers the many steps of open textbook production. The guide’s author, Lauri Aesoph, will tell the story behind this guide: why it was written, its contents, and how the content reflects the experiences of and processes developed by the BCcampus OpenEd team.

Creative Commons Open Education Platform (CC OpenEdu)

Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Contributed by: Jenni Hayman

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 09, 2018 18:00
  (view in other timezones)


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