Grassroots Open Educators at Work: Challenges and Ideas
← Back to list of eventsSpeakers:
Mihaela Banek Zorica, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Croatia
Anna Maria Tammaro, Università di Parma, Italy
Carmen Holotescu, University “Ioan Slavici” Timisoara, Romania
Wayne Mackintosh, Director OER Foundation, UNESCO / ICDE Chair in OER
The webinar will gather four higher education educators from different European countries who are using Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices in their daily teaching work, to hear from their voices what are the main challenges and motivations to apply openness in a teachers’ work. Each educator will briefly present her/his open education practice and will then participate in a final debate where we will try to distill some recommendations for other teachers on how to successfully implement open approaches in their teaching practices.
European Distance and E-Learning Network
United Kingdom, Milton Keynes
Contributed by: EDEN Secretariat
Language: English