OER your classes personalized? How Open Educational Practices support Universal Design

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There is no “typical” student; how can we design courses that meet varied student needs? Universal design for learning (UDL) can help us build online courses that are more accessible and flexible enough to engage a diverse group of students. UDL includes giving students various ways of acquiring information, interacting with the content and demonstrating understanding. Open Educational Practices (OEP) are a key strategy for developing flexible classes. We will look at how to design courses that increase student choice, encourage critical thinking, and improve learning outcomes. How can one build a course with this much student choice? It’s not only possible; it’s also more engaging for both students and the instructor.

Butte Community College

United States, Oroville, CA

Contributed by: Suzanne Wakim

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 09, 2018 18:00
  (view in other timezones)


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