Free & Flexible Online Math Homework with WeBWorK
← Back to list of eventsTired of high cost online homework for your students? Tired of being unable to change anything as you feel like the product just doesn’t quite fit your and your students’ needs? Then come check out WeBWorK, the OER math assessment tool that has over 30,000 problems available and the ability to modify and create just about anything. This webinar will give a brief tour of what WeBWorK is, its features, and what it’s capable of, and then dive into how you can bring it to your own campus. We will highlight success stories from the partnership between Red Rocks Community College, Community College of Denver, and Colorado Community Colleges Online and the integration of WeBWorK into a variety of their courses including math, physics, and soon to be biology.
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Colorado Department of Higher Education is hoping to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Faculty, students, staff and OER advocates are celebrating Open Education Week by holding events at their campuses.
See the list of events here, or email for more information!
United States, Denver, Colorado
Contributed by: Spencer Ellis
Language: English