Hacking Open-Source Education
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Session I : For the past three years, Brandeis Library has worked with the Center for Teaching and Learning to sponsor grants for faculty who are interested in incorporating open and affordable educational resources into their courses. Each faculty grant recipient works with a library staff member and an instructional designer or the Digital Literacy Specialist on their grant project. Laura Hibbler, Associate University Librarian for Research & Instruction, and Esther Brandon, Digital Literacy Specialist at Brandeis Library, will discuss the grant program and our continuing work to raise awareness about the high costs of textbooks and other learning materials, how these costs can negatively impact student success, and ways to alleviate costs for students.
Session II : OER - Open Source Hardware: Enable 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands in the MakerLab Curious to learn more about 3D printed prosthesis? Interested in Open Hardware, Prosthesis or Bionics? The Brandeis MakerLab and the Brandeis Prosthesis club will host an afternoon workshop on how the e-NABLE open source hardware platform works. In the last 2 years, the Prosthesis club has made functional upper limb prosthesis for more than 6 children in need all over the world. Stop by to learn how to assemble a hand or more about how the open hardware movement works!
United States, Waltham
Contributed by: Fern Sawetamal
Language: English