How does open informal education affect the development of digital skills of employees and citizens? (Koliko otvoreno neformalno obrazovanje utječe na razvoj digitalnih vještina radnika i građana?)
← Back to list of eventsUniversity of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (SRCE), Croatian Employers' Association and Croatian National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs are joining this year Open Education Week with organization of the panel discussion titled „How does open informal education affect the development of digital skills of employees and citizens?“ Aim of the event is to discuss the topic of informal education and digital skills development and to look at the situation in Croatia, i.e. to try to answer the questions whether our education system provides education that enables the acquisition of digital skills, how to encourage and how to organize professional training and training of workers, and how prepared is Croatia for recognition of acquired knowledge and skills through informal education. At the beginning of the panel the Croatian National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs will be presented, as it was established at the end of 2018. The Croatian Coalition is one of the 23 coalitions operating within the Pan European Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs. These National Coalitions are aimed at improving the digital skills of citizens and preparing them for the ongoing digital transformation of our economy and society.
University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (SRCE)
Croatia, Zagreb
Contributed by: Sandra Kučina Softić
Language: Croatian