Open education in the South Mediterranean: practices and developments

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The South Mediterranean region is quite active in the Open Education area, with a number of institutional and national initiatives on OER and open practices being planned and developed. Still, the dynamism of region is not fully known internationally, as UNIMED and the partners of the OpenMed project have had the chance to discover in the last years. Promoting the richness of experiences in Open Education in the South Mediterranean is one of the objectives of the recently launched UNIMED SubNetwork on eLearning and Open Education. In this webinar we will share some valuable initiatives in the field of Open Education from the South Mediterranean region, with speakers from UNIMED (Italy), University Mohammed V Rabat (Morocco), Princess Sumaya University of Technology (Jordan), and Univrsité Frères Mentouri Constantine (Algeria), among others.

UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union

Italy, Rome

Contributed by: Cristina Stefanelli

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 05, 2019 17:00
  (view in other timezones)