OPEN talk
← Back to list of eventsAs part of the OE Week celebration, UPOU will feature discussions on open education in the premiere episode of OPEN Talk.
OpenTalk is a new magazine program that will be launched on 3 March 2021 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (PH time). It is a one-hour public service program to be broadcasted real-time over the UPOU Networks website and UPOU Networks Facebook page. This magazine program will feature various topics and current concerns of members of the community such as education, health, business and commerce, among others. These general topics were identified from the evaluations of webinars done by the UPOU in 2020. OpenTalk targets the general public and aims to create clarifications on the featured topics, change the attitude of the target audience towards the topics, and inspire the audience to improve their practices towards or against the topics featured.
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Philippines, Laguna
Contributed by: UP Open University
Language: English