OE Week 2022 Event: Learn about OER Creation with Anya Hageman, the author of the QUL funded textbook "The Economic Aspects of the Indigenous Experience in Canada"

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Join Anya Hageman to find out more about the process of creating her OER “The Economic Aspects of the Indigenous Experience in Canada” at Queen’s using library grant funding. This text, written by Hageman and research assistant Pauline Galoustian, is freely downloadable at: https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/indigenouseconomics244. Its content can be used all or in part to support courses in almost any field relating to Canada’s First Peoples. Siksika Chief Joe Bevan “found the book accurately depicts the plight of the Indigenous as they found their way through a changing culture.” The text “Deserves to be widely used as a textbook and reference in all Indigenous Studies programs” as Emeritus Professor Tom Flanagan of the University of Calgary suggests. Leading scholar of Indigenous Economics, Professor Donna Feir compliments, “Impressive work pulling all this content together in a generally accessible form.” Being a great educational resource, the book is peppered with Active Learning suggestions as it presents: - pre-contact economic norms and practices - history of trade, dispossession, and treaties - details on Indian Act, tax exemptions, reserve governance, and federal funding - property rights and remoteness issues - opportunities in infrastructure, housing, resource development, business development - self-government and urban issues

Queen's University Library

Canada, Kingston, Ontario

Twitter: @QueensULibrary

Contributed by: Mark Swartz (Twitter: @markswartz)

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 10, 2022 12:30
  (view in other timezones)
