This event features McMaster faculty and instructors who are incorporating open education into their teaching. Hear from some of the 2021-2022 OER Grantees as they update us on their awarded projects. Learn about the open resources being created for coursework, and hear about the grantees' experiences in creating open and accessible content. Gather ideas for possible OER projects of your own. Find out more about the McMaster OER Grant which will be offered again in Spring 2022.
Presenters and Projects:
Konstantinos Apostolou and Amin Rajabzadeh, assistant professors, W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Open Content Creation: Introduction to Mass Balances
Mirna Carranza, professor, School of Social Work
Open Content Creation: The Colonial Mirror: Newcomer Families as Civic Bodies
Chad Harvey, associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Science
Open Content Adaptation: Adaptation of Biology 2e (OpenStax)
Kristina Vidug, research coordinator, Department of Medicine presenting on behalf of Anne Holbrook, professor, Department of Medicine
Open Content Adaptation: Adaptation of the National Prescribing Curriculum (NPC) of Australia
Miroslav Lovric, associate professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Open Content Creation: 99 Numbers: Mathematics of Everyday Life
Antonio Paez, professor, School of Earth, Environment & Society
Open Content Creation: Spatial Statistics
McMaster University
Canada, Hamilton, Ontario
Twitter: @mcmasteru
Contributed by:
Olga Perkovic
(Twitter: @operkovic)
Language: English