Open education for Sustainable Development Goals

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Webinar and asset contribution announcement Open education for Sustainable Development Goals Objectives: With a spirit of festivities to celebrate the international women day and highlighting the contribution of the AUF Consortium for gender equality, the following objectives are pursued in this event. - Present the concept and practices of education for sustainable development -Present the concept of gender egalitarian pedagogy - Present the Open2sustain project with the focus of supporting the education of SDG5 - Present the SPOC syllabus for promoting SDG5 -Announce a competition to select the best open educational resource related to SDG 5. The resource will be contributed as an asset to OE Week and published internationally. MS Teams Link Registration Link

Alexandria University

Egypt, Alexandria

Contributed by: Ghada El Khayat

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 11, 2022 19:00
  (view in other timezones)

Web room