Bringing Open Pedagogy to Life

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Please join us in exploring how to bring Open Pedagogy to Life, a talk by Karen Cangialosi.

Open Pedagogy contextualizes learning in a larger world outside of the classroom making education more relevant, inclusive, equitable and accessible. It enables students to leverage open licenses in order to contribute to the knowledge commons and engage in dialogue with the wider public; but it also supports them to take greater ownership of how and what they learn. By prioritizing connection and community over methodology and content, students in open pedagogy classrooms use a critical lens in their use of digital tools for discovery, creativity and analysis. Open Pedagogy also means trusting students and supporting especially the most marginalized to find and raise their voices, and it can mean empowering students to be the change agents that they would like to be in the world. 

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Kwantlen Polytechnic University

OEGlobal member

Canada, Surrey, BC

Contributed by: Karen Meijer-Kline

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 09, 2023 23:00
  (view in other timezones)