Open Photo Competition 2023

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We Like Sharing is a photo bank of openly-licensed images created by staff, students and alumni of TU Delft, and curated at the Extension School for Continuing Education. Every year since 2021, we look forward to Open Education Week and join in the celebrations with a photo competition. Everyone at the university is invited to submit their photos to be shared publicly in the photo bank: authors are attributed as copyright holders, and asked to choose what permissions they would like to give others to reuse their images.

The aims of this on-going adventure, in a nutshell:

  • to help people see by themselves that sharing is good,
  • to raise awareness of open licenses,
  • to teach people how to attribute properly,
  • to remind them that all visuals should always have an ALT description.

This year the theme of the competition is ‘What does OPEN mean to you?’. An international jury will pick three winners, and a fourth will be chosen by public vote to be awarded The People's Choice. The awards themselves are also meant to support local businesses.

Featured image: Bus 69 by Stephen Eustace is released under CC0

Extension School for Continuing Education (Technische Universiteit Delft)

OEGlobal member

Netherlands, Delft, Zuid-Holland

Twitter: @TUDelftOnline

Contributed by: Bea de los Arcos (Twitter: @celTatis)

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 06, 2023 09:35
  (view in other timezones)