Teach and Learn with Open Education Resources
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The Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) and Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN) are co-hosting a virtual symposium March 20–25. The event will feature sessions on building OER initiatives, how-to’s on PressbooksEDU, a showcase of OER projects created by Utah faculty and staff and a Q&A session where participants can chat with project creators.
For details, visit uen.org/oer23
Today: Introduction to OER
In this session, you’ll learn the basics of Open Educational Resources (OER). A robust overview of definitions, copyright, licensing, and why OER matters will help you feel empowered to start your journey with OER.
Presenters: Emma Lanners (UT) and Andrew Stapley (WSU)
United States, Salt Lake City, UT
Twitter: @uennews
Contributed by: Jenn Gibbs
Language: English