Using Strategic Foresight to Explore Futures of Open Education

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The future is often presented as if it is pre-determined and can be predicted. However, the practice of Foresight does not predict, but assumes that the future is dependent on the choices that are made today and that many different futures might be possible. The intention of Foresight is to use the information or evidence of change in the present to extrapolate what is possible in the future, by understanding the bigger picture and the greater context to inform decision making today. In this workshop participants will be introduced to Foresight by eCampusOntario’s Research and Foresight team. Participants will have the chance to explore trends (evidence of change sustained over a period of time) within the post-secondary education sector and be guided through a methodology to explore possibilities of the future of Open Education through understanding related trends and confronting current assumptions about higher education. Participants will be challenged to be, and given the tools to be, the designers of Open Education that will serve future learners and educators.


OEGlobal member

Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Twitter: @eCampusOntario

Contributed by: Siri Gauthier

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2023 17:00
  (view in other timezones)