What is OER

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Open Education Week is an annual event that is celebrated globally to promote and raise awareness about the benefits of open education and open educational resources (OER). It provides an opportunity for educators, students, and institutions to showcase their achievements and innovations in the field of open education, as well as to engage in discussions and share best practices.

During Open Education Week, OC will showcase how we are incorporating open education practices and resources into our teaching and learning strategies. We will also share examples of how we have created and implemented OER, designed courses that are openly licensed, or used open tools and technologies to support learning. Students will also share their experiences and how it has benefited them in their studies.

The ultimate goal of Open Education Week is to encourage the widespread adoption of open education practices and resources and to promote equitable access to quality education for all.

Odessa College

OEGlobal member

United States, Odessa, Texas

Contributed by: Brian Jones (Twitter: @briantjones)

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 08, 2023 15:00
  (view in other timezones)
