Frontiers for Young Minds
←Back to list of resourcesFrontiers for Young Minds believes that the best way to make cutting-edge science discoveries available to younger audiences is to enable young people and scientists to work together to create articles that are both accurate and exciting.
That is why distinguished scientists are invited to write about their cutting-edge discoveries in a language that is accessible for young readers, and it is then up to the kids themselves – with the help of a science mentor – to provide feedback and explain to the authors how to best improve the articles before publication.
Few 8-15-year-olds have the opportunity to interact with scientists, and even fewer are ever asked to provide feedback on the work of a recognized expert. The Frontiers for Young Minds platform enables students to find out first-hand what it is to be a scientist, and how to work as part of a collaborative process towards a common goal.
As a result, Frontiers for Young Minds provides a collection of freely available scientific articles by distinguished scientists that are shaped for younger audiences by the input of their own young peers.
Switzerland, Lausanne
Contributed by: Emma Clayton
Language: English
License: CC-BY