Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom to foster Media and Information Literacy

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In 2020, the Education team at the Wikimedia Foundation piloted the "Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom" program. This program helped secondary school teachers in Bolivia, Morocco, and the Philippines understand and leverage Wikipedia’s educational value to develop key 21st century skills. Its curricula is aligned with UNESCO's Media and Information Literacy framework and it includes a set of localized resources, structured training sessions, and forum activities. The booklet presented here is a sample of the resources included in the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program. It provides an overview of Wikipedia, the anatomy of a Wikipedia article, pointers to help students access and evaluate the information they find, and the "Knowledge Quest" activity with an example and evaluation rubric. The Education team is currently preparing to publish more resources of the program with CC licenses and expand the program to other countries. You can follow @WikimediaEdu on Twitter or @WikimediaEducationTeam on Facebook to get updates.

Wikimedia Foundation

United States, California

Contributed by: Wikimedia Foundation, Education Team

Language: English

License: CC-BY-SA