Keynotes and Session Recordings of 2021
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This asset consists of two YouTube playlists of the keynote and session recordings of —a 48 hour unconference that took place online in December 2021. It was an international online BarCamp* on Open Education and OER, held by the German Commission for UNESCO and Agency J&K – Jöran und Konsorten, which has been organising OERcamps since 2012.
A total of 1,063 practitioners, activists, scientists, OER experts and novices from all sectors and all fields of education from 87 countries and 21 time zones registered at 186 speakers submitted and conducted 114 sessions. More than half of the sessions were documented on video.
The keynote playlist combines most of the keynote talks at You can find the YouTube playlist via:
All videos are licenced under CC BY 4.0. (, please find the detailed licence notice under each video.
The session playlist combines more than half of the offered sessions at You can find the YouTube playlist via:
Please check each video for the particular licence and re-use possibility. A more detailed description of each session can be found on Sched page (
Everyone interested in OER is welcome to use the videos, either by watching the numerous videos about OER matters in different parts of the world as they were presented at or by reusing the videos that are licenced under a Creative Commons licence.
* The format of BarCamps has been a crucial part of OERcamps since 2012. Staying true to the BarCamp format, had a common theme but no pre-planned programme. The theme focused on the “5 Areas of Action” from the UNESCO Recommendation on OER. The programme was designed collaboratively by the global participants with numerous session submissions before the event.
OERcamps by Agency J&K – Jöran und Konsorten
Germany, Hamburg
Twitter: @oercamp
Contributed by: Kristin Hirschmann
Language: English
License: CC-BY