Adaptive learning and Open education: A Match made in heaven?

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Adaptive learning and open education - in our opinion a combination with great potential, for creating a learning impact for students. In our blog post we dive into the topic of adaptive learning and some of the challenges and risks often associated with it. Combining adaptive learning with open education is something we at Grasple have been and are continuously working on, because we see high potential for the combination of both. 

At Grasple, adaptive learning is based on design principles that focus on enhancing open education, increasing accessibility, and providing a high level of autonomy for both teachers and students. We try tackling challenges in the development of adaptive learning by collecting data and combining it with expert knowledge from the teacher and student to provide insights and advice while still letting the student/teacher make the final decision. Grasple's platform includes features such as knowledge component graphs, diagnostic testing, and easy content creation, sharing, and editing, which can be leveraged within the community of users. Ultimately, this approach saves time in content creation and enhances the potential of adaptive learning and open education.

Additionally we created a short research form to collect insight, comments and concerns (Link to research form) and would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill it out. All the input we receive will be summarized and shared in later blog updates. Furthermore we will use these insights to sharpen our own vision moving forward.


OEGlobal member

Netherlands, Amsterdam, North-Holland

Twitter: @opengrasple

Contributed by: Marliese Herrmann

Language: English

License: CC-BY

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