Publishing Values-based Scholarly Communication

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In this contribution to the Scholarly Communication Notebook (SCN), we have created an open educational resource that will increase understanding of how a values-based approach to scholarly communication can address the challenges of publishing publicly engaged scholarship, with particular emphasis on humanities and social sciences. The focus of this resource is primarily on the underrepresented area of publicly engaged scholarship. It addresses a wide range of MLIS students and LIS professionals based at universities, especially those whose mission explicitly encompasses engaged scholarship initiatives. The resource also spotlights publicly engaged publishing initiatives that provide examples of scholarly communications projects with social justice values such as equity, access, fairness, inclusivity, respect, ethics, and trust deeply embedded in their design. 

While examples shared in the first iteration of the resource will focus on model practices primarily in North America, the values-based nature of the resource will have global appeal. This resource describes the publishing challenges that publicly engaged scholars often encounter and offers a framework for tackling these challenges. Video interviews and insights are included to provide a range of viewpoints from scholars, advocates, and instructors. 

HuMetricsHSS and the Publishing and the Publicly Engaged Humanities working group

United States, Michigan

Twitter: @humetricshss

Contributed by: Bonnie Russell (Twitter: @batsinlavender)

Language: English

License: CC-BY