State of the Field Report on Media Literacy supported by AV collections

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The “State of the Field Report on Media Literacy Supported by AV Collections” offers an overview of the use of heritage audiovisual (AV) materials in education through the lens of media literacy. The COVID-19 pandemic and the current socio-political events in Europe and beyond have shown that fighting the spread of disinformation has nowadays become more important than ever. Media literacy is a core factor that can help address this challenge, especially if it is supported by trustworthy sources, like the ones coming from archival collections. As young people receive news and information mostly from digital sources, AV formats are considered to be the most popular and powerful ones in this age group. That is the reason why conscious use of AV materials in education and the ability to critically analyse are crucial to support the development of media literacy competences. The report shows barriers, opportunities and good practices in using archival AV materials to support development of media literacy skills. Its ambition is to present the perspective of all the interested parties – teachers and educators, students, and AV collection holders.

The executive summary is also available in Polish, Spanish, Netherlands and Catalan. 

Watching Videos like an Historian

Netherlands, Den Haag

Contributed by: Isabel Crespo

Language: English

License: CC-BY-SA