FLEX-ED Project Tilburg University
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Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) at Tilburg University is exploring ways to expand its course offer and make it more flexible without incurring significant structural costs. Main object of the Flex-Ed project is to design a format for courses that can be completed entirely online by students at their own pace and in such a way that staff supervision requirements are reduced to a minimum. The courses use high quality open educational resources that are already available online. Petra Heck will go into the objectives, the choices made, the pitfalls and the results so far of this project.
Esther Breuker will give a brief explanation of the various platforms that are available to higher education and will explain how important it is to be well aware of the copyright aspects, mostly licensed by Creative Commons, and to apply copyright in the right way.
Petra Heck is Educational Advisor Liberal Arts and Sciences and project leader of the Flex-Ed project. Esther Breuker is advisor at Library and IT Services/Education Support, Tilburg Univerity.
Facilitator: Petra Heck and Esther Breuker
Contributed by: Janina van Hees