Leiden University Inspirationlab: The Future of Open Education

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This is a local event hosted by Leiden University. Vice-rector Simone Buitendijk and professor Edwin Bakker will present their views on what Open Education means to Leiden University: why is it important, what are advantages or disadvantages? What future developments do they expect? The local event in The Hague will be complemented by a live stream and national-level twitter discussion organized by SURFnet.  It will be livecast for online participation through this link:  http://oeweek.surf.nl/

More information can be found here: http://campusdenhaag.leiden.edu/centre4innovation/news-events/openeducation. html


Contributed by: Janina van Hees

Date and Time: Mar 13, 2015 12:00
  (view in other timezones)
