Creativity for Learning #creativeHE

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We would like to invite educators and students from around the world to join the openly-licensed Creativity for Learning course which we will offer over 5 days, from Monday to Friday, during Open Education Week facilitated by volunteer educators and mentors. The #creativeHE course is for colleagues involved in teaching, supporting the learning or development of others in a higher education context with an interest in creative teaching and learning who would like to explore more playful approaches in their practice.

All the action and interaction will take place in the #creativeHE community which is available at

The course site can be accessed via the above and is also available directly at

Our hashtag is #creativeHE

We look forward to learning together,

Chrissi (from Manchester Metropolitan University), Sandra Sinfield (London Metropolitan University), Dr Nikos Fachantidis (University of Macedonia, Prof. Norman Jackson (Creative Academic) and Sue Watling (University of Hull)

Manchester Metropolitan University

United Kingdom, Manchester

Contributed by: Chrissi Nerantzi

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2016 08:00
  (view in other timezones)