P.A.L.M. Informational Tabling Event and Raffle

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PALM Staff will be posted outside the library with information about affordable textbooks and Open Education. We want to tell staff and students about our program’s mission to make higher education more accessible to students by promoting the use of high-quality, free and low-cost learning materials. CSU students typically pay over $800 per year for their books, and our goal is to to reduce their expenses to provide better access to a quality learning experience. To promote awareness and participation in this event we will be asking students what they could do with the $800 per year they spend on textbooks. Their participation earns them a raffle ticket and a chance to win a small prize. There will also be snacks and other giveaways.

California State University Los Angeles

United States,

Contributed by: Monika Chavez

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 08, 2015 03:00
  (view in other timezones)