Webinar: Open licensing and challenges to adopt OER across the Mediterranean countries

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Open licensing and challenges to adopt OER across the Mediterranean countries”. How Mediterranean countries can effectively adopt Open Educational Resources at School and in Higher Education. Initial barriers like copyright, distribution, language, culture, bandwidth, access, gender and others become part of the true essence of OER, broadening the current limited implementation to a variety of settings, requirements and needs.

Presenter: Daniel Burgos, Vice-chancellor for Research & Technology, UNIR – Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

The webinar will run in Adobe Connect, and can be accessed using the following link: http://unir.adobeconnect.com/unirresearch2


Rome, Italy

Contributed by: Cristina Stefanelli

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2016 15:00
  (view in other timezones)
