Multiply K12 OER

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For various reasons including costs, it is expected that the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) within K-12 is likely to take hold rapidly. Educating in-service teachers through the Multiply K-12 OER podcasts and video series thereby addresses an identified need of higher educational institutions and of the teaching profession.

The thirteen podcasts and three videos from the Multiply K-12 OER project include interviews with TJ Bliss, Michael Canuel, Beatriz de los Arcos, Bill Fitzgerald, Bronwyn Hegarty, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, David Porter, James Swanson, and Sarah Weston.

This session will be the official launch of these podcasts and videos, providing an opportunity to hear the design team describe their process in creating these media and discuss key aspects of the project such as accessibility and Universal Design. It is anticipated that a number of project contributors will be in attendance.

Join the webinar

Athabasca University

Canada, Athabasca, Alberta

Contributed by: Verena Roberts

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 29, 2017 17:00
  (view in other timezones)