Airina Volungeviciene, VMU, Lithuania
Martin Weller, Open University, UK
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, DHBW Karlsruhe
Gard Titlestad, ICDE
Svetlana Knyazeva, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
Ebba Ossiannilsson, SADE
Questions discussed at the webinar:
What factors do have an impact on quality of open educational resources (and open education in general)?
How do we ‘measure’ quality? Or: where is the evidence?
How can we improve quality? What measures could be taken by the teacher/author, by the institution, by the community?
Should we go for a sort of accreditation (formal recognition)? Or more for a qualification (‘like’)? And how do we organize this?
What is the role of students, learners in the quality debate?
European Distance and E-Learning Network
United Kingdom, Milton Keynes
Contributed by:
EDEN Secretariat
Language: English
Web room