How to Promote Academic Integrity in Online Education?

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Fredric M. Litto, professor emeritus University of São Paulo, the president of Brazilian Association of Distance Education

Irene Glendinning, Academic Manager for Student Experience, Coventry University, UK Chris Edwards, The Institute of Educational Technology, Open University UK


Academic institutions often define academic integrity as intellectual honesty within academic work that is devoid of plagiarism, fabrication and dishonesty. It should be present in all types of educational settings. Although plagiarism is not a new phenomenon it has become a greater concern lately especially in connection with online education. Questions like “is online learning creating new opportunities for plagiarism” or “how to prevent online students to use online resources without properly quoting or citing them” are becoming more present. The number of software for plagiarism detection is increasing and they are often looked at as the solution. Educational institutions, especially universities are faced with the challenge of how to solve and prevent the issue of plagiarism and to make academic integrity a highly valued standard in the academic world again. What is the best solution to do it?

University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre SRCE

Croatia, Zagreb

Contributed by: Sandra Kucina Softic

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 09, 2018 12:00
  (view in other timezones)

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