Crucial work to advance open education is happening across U.S. higher education. Despite the significant impact these initiatives have, many barriers stand in the way of collaboration across campuses, stakeholder groups, and states. This special Open Education Week webcast will focus in on the issue of “silos” within the open education field: where barriers to collaboration exist, what factors can perpetuate them, and strategies to breaking them down. Featuring speakers who have successfully navigated siloes in their own institutions, states, and regions, this lively discussion will share insights based on best practices and explore how the open education movement can best build a field free of silos.
Anyone interested in strengthening their OER collaboration skills can participate.
Learn how to encourage collaboration and dissemination across institutional departments and between institutions.
Strategies to include and integrate campus personnel that could be beneficial to OER work that are currently not involved in OER.
OEGlobal member
United States of America, California
Twitter: @SPARC_NA
Contributed by:
Trudi Radtke
Language: English