Engaging with Open Education Practices and Lowering Barriers for Diverse Learners

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Open educational practices (OEP), including the use of OER, benefit a multitude of stakeholders including our most marginalized learners. This is truer than ever with our collective pivot to online teaching and the far-reaching effects of the pandemic on higher education. In this presentation, Urooj will make the case for OEP-enabled pedagogy by sharing her experiences leveraging existing expertise and resources toward supporting scalable and effective OER initiatives. Join this session to learn about pragmatic steps toward engagement with open educational practices and ways of lowering barriers for diverse constituents of learners.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library

Canada, Regina, SK

Twitter: @saskpolytechlib

Contributed by: Nina Verishagen

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2022 11:00
  (view in other timezones)
