How to collaborate in creating and maintaining open education content in practice: challenges, hurdles and successes.

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Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity to celebrate and actively share the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. OE Week will take place from Monday March 7th until Friday March 11th, and is organized by Open Education Global (OEG) - a global, members based, non-profit organization supporting the development and use of open education around the world. For promoting open education we would love to collect your input, feedback, thoughts and questions on: How to collaborate in creating and maintaining open education content in practice: challenges, hurdles and successes. For decades, open education has been promoted, but most of the times, failed to reach mass adoption. In recent years, a shift is happening. More and more groups of instructors are now widely adopting open educational resources. This is wonderful! We should pause to celebrate this milestone!. With this success, new challenges occur as well. Teachers starting with open content often feel overwhelmed, not knowing where to start, how to determine what content fits your course, or what makes items of the quality you are looking for? Often practical hurdles and limited time available are heard reasons not to start (yet) with open content and open education. We want to collect the experiences and knowledge of educators in the field on the new set of challenges related to OER, so that we can collectively tackle them so that an even broader audience can make use of the benefits of OER. Please contribute your thoughts on the next challenges the open education community needs to solve, making sure open content, and open education continues to grow also outside the current base of enthusiastic students, teachers, schools and institutes. We will bundle your ideas over which hurdles we need to overcome, and which solutions would enhance usages of OER and increase the fun and easiness. In this topic we work together with open content ambassadors around the world. Thank you for your time and input, and to the next phase of open education! The Grasple team Grasple - create, edit and share open exercises and lessons for Math and Statistics FORM -


OEGlobal member

Netherlands, Amsterdam

Twitter: @opengrasple

Contributed by: elisabeth Schmoutziguer

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2022 14:57
  (view in other timezones)