Open Education Week 2022 @ Campus Luzern (online)
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The three universities in Lucerne (Switzerland) offer a lunch session series (online) to promote the use, production and publication of open educational resources that strive for sustainable teaching. Each day is dedicated to a topic withing the OER cycle and provides practical advice and examples to the following questions:
Where can I find learning resources that I can use without restriction?
How do I use OER in preparation for the next teaching unit?
How can participation in OER be promoted?
How do I create instructional videos with PowerPoint?
Where can I publish my learning and teaching materials?
Staff are invited to attend the sessions and take the opportunity to get into conversation with practitioners and share experiences.
Hochschule Luzern, Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern, Universität Luzern
Switzerland, Lucerne
Contributed by: Cinzia Gabellini (Twitter: @cinigabellini)
Language: German