Open Scholarship: Working in Public with Bonnie Stewart

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Dr. Bonnie Stewart, of UWindsor’s Faculty of Education, will share a short presentation on benefits, strategies, and challenges of doing research work in public, using open and digital platforms. This will be followed by a facilitated Community of Practice discussion with tips. From the series: For much of the past two years, the Office of Open Learning has focused on trying to help people move their teaching online. But teaching is not the only domain in which the internet and its possibilities impact education: in this Open Education Week, as we look towards the future of open, we wanted to focus on open scholarship. Open scholarship practices build on the capacities of the internet and digital media to make research and scholarly artifacts publicly available. Whether it’s publishing scholarship in open journals or using open approaches, the engagement in public scholarship practices in your field, or thinking of your open research as a teaching tool, open scholarship presents an opportunity for research engagement and knowledge mobilization. This week we will be holding a series of public discussions about various forms of open scholarship.

University of Windsor

OEGlobal member

Canada, Windsor

Twitter: @uwindsor

Contributed by: David Cormier (Twitter:

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 08, 2022 12:00
  (view in other timezones)