OEWeek Live! Tuesday Later Show

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We have a new element for Open Education Week-- a live webcast “show” scheduled twice a day during #OEWeek to share the excitement of everything happening in the day. Watch the live stream via YouTube where you can send via chat questions/comments to the studio. Or return later to watch the recording.

We anticipate again much has happened for second day of OEWeek we try to recap if possible and provide quick review of events coming up in the next few hours.

The main stage is for our guests to describe their projects and activities going on this week, as well as highlights of what they have experienced. And whatever else emerges in our informal conversations.

Guests include:

  • Nate Angell (Creative Commons): Open Learning Experience Bingo or the CC Global Summit in Oct in Mexico City or anything else about Creative Commons!
  • Vidminas Vizgirda (University of Edinburgh School of Informatics): A systematic review of open publishing sites from academic institutions, public bodies, charities, industry and other organisations.
  • Lauri Aesoph  (BCcampus): 10 year anniversary for the BCcampus Open Textbook Project
  • Clint Lalonde  (BCcampus): What is next for open education? I don’t have answers, but would love to do some future thinking about what the next evolution of open education might be. Also interested in how generative AI may impact open education.

See the full schedule of OEWeek Live! https://connect.oeglobal.org/t/-/4654


Open Education Global

OEGlobal member

United States, Concord, MA

Twitter: @OpenEdGlobal

Contributed by: Alan Levine (Twitter: @cogdog)

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 07, 2023 22:00
  (view in other timezones)


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