COERLL Community
←Back to list of resourcesOn Friday, March 9th, COERLL will launch a Community page on our website to list language teachers and students who are creating, using, or promoting open educational resources (OER). Every educator featured on the page will also receive a badge from COERLL.
The Community page will acknowledge language educators for the many hours of work they put in to further students’ language proficiency using the openly licensed resources and creative, collaborative practices that exemplify open education. We hope the page will also demonstrate how widespread and multifaceted the open education movement is among language teachers. Maybe it will even give teachers a chance to find collaborators who are working on similar projects!
During Open Education Week and leading up to the launch of the community, we will share stories from some of the teachers who will be featured on the community page. Once the page has launched, we will continue adding people throughout the year.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
United States, Austin, TX
Contributed by: Sarah Sweeney
Language: English
License: CC-BY