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Simplifying searches! For example, with a few mouse clicks, anyone helping a 7 year old to add whole numbers will have immediate help. Page numbers and click on Internet links to OER materials on adding whole numbers are provided. No more typing! The ever expanding website, k-12math.info, is a top 5 star MERLOT open access resource (and one of the 25 2016 UN WSIS nominees in e-learning). Textbook and grade level oriented OER series like Singapore Math, Bangladesh Mathematics, Houghton Mifflin, McGraw-Hill, Siyavula (South Africa/OpenSTAX ) , CK-12, Khan Academy and others have been cataloged to help locate where and how 1000 of the most common terms (like “adding whole numbers”) are used.

k-12math.info inc.

United States, Pittsburg, Cakifornia

Contributed by: Jim Kelly

Language: English

License: Other
