Marginal Syllabus

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The Marginal Syllabus ( is a free and public educator professional learning initiative that convenes conversations about educational equity via open web annotation. The Marginal Syllabus embraces an intentional political and technical double-entendre; the initiative partners with authors whose writing may be considered marginal - or contrary - to dominant education narratives, and educator conversation occurs in the margins of partner authors' texts using the open web annotation platform Hypothesis. The 2017-18 Marginal Syllabus, hosted by the National Writing Project, is organized around the theme "Writing Our Civic Futures" and can be accessed at During Open Education Week, the March Marginal Syllabus conversation will explore the topic of critical media literacy in the classroom by openly annotating the text "The Stories They Tell: Mainstream Media, Pedagogies of Healing, and Critical Media Literacy" by partner authors April Baker-Bell, Raven Jones Stanbrough, and Sakeena Everett.

Marginal Syllabus

United States, Denver, CO

Contributed by: Remi Kalir

Language: English

License: CC-BY