Red EuLES / EuLES Network (Red interdisciplinar de investigación e innovación educativa en Entornos uLearning en Educación Superior)

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The EuLES Network (u-Learning Environments in Higher Education) is an interdisciplinary network created in 2010 by Professors Ana Allueva, PhD and José Luis Alejandre, PhD, of the University of Zaragoza (Spain) to foster research, interaction, cooperation and transfer of knowledge and technologies related to learning and open education. This network considers ubiquitous-Learning a wide area emerged thanks to the evolution of different learning methodologies and technological trends, ranging from blended Learning models to e-Learning and mobile Learning. The EuLES Network continues growing rapidly and already has more than thirty members. The EuLES Network and its members participate in research projects and organize different activities to spread and exchange experiences, and promote the use of technologies, new resources and methodologies in the open educational and learning context. The portal shows a portfolio with the most important projects of the network that we submit for the consideration of this award. In addition, since the creation of the network, its members have received several individual awards for educational innovation: nine times the Santander Award from the University of Zaragoza, four times finalist in this prize; two open courses OCW of MECD-Universia (2011 and 2012); the 2013 Course Awards for OpenCourseWare Excellence and Winner Course in 2015 Open Education Awards for Excellence from the Open Education Consortium. Besides, one of the projects of the network was finalist in SIMO Education 2014 in the category "Best ICT Mobile Devices Project". Moreover, recently, in 2017, the network has also been a finalist in The Third e-Learning Excellence Awards.

University of Zaragoza

Spain, Zaragoza

Contributed by: Red EuLES EuLES Network

Language: Spanish

License: CC-BY