IFLA Brief on Open Educational Resources
←Back to list of resourcesTo celebrate Open Education Week 2019, IFLA releases a brief on open educational resources. It underlines the role librarians can play in creating, curating and ensuring access to these materials, and key issues surrounding them.
Librarians have and continue to play a key role in supporting OER, by encouraging their creation and use, ensuring their availability, accessibility and visibility, curating materials and ensuring their quality, providing copyright advice and building digital skills among users.
The brief celebrates the commitment of the library sector to making OER a reality and encourages continued engagement by providing background information. It shares the definition of OER, its advantages and challenges to it, as well as international, regional and national policies that are defining and guiding them.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Netherlands, Den Haag
Contributed by: Ariadna Matas Casadevall
Language: English
License: CC-BY