e·Chinese Tools

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Nowadays the use of technologies is deeply embedded in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Therefore, students and teachers are compelled to continuously update their digital skills. The need for online teaching has been spurred by the COVID pandemics, thus posing new challenges in this regard. One of the main difficulties when looking for online tools is the vast amount and disparity of resources available to both teachers and students, who often feel overwhelmed due to the lack of time or assessment criteria. Thus, the potential of existing resources is not fully exploited. In this context, we developed an online open access database of digital resources for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, which includes a collection of metadata to satisfy different user profiles and needs. In sum, we are presenting a multilingual (Catalan, Spanish, English and Chinese) and dynamic site, useful for both teachers and learners who, in turn, will be able to enrich it through different types of feedback.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

OEGlobal member

Spain, Barcelona

Twitter: @UABBarcelona

Contributed by: Sara Rovira-Esteva (Twitter: @RoviraSara)

Language: Mandarin

License: CC-NC-SA
