Creating digital resources: GDPR, copyright and using open licences
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Understanding how copyright and data management rules apply to the resources we put online is important. Projects often deal with materials that are still in copyright and involve living people who have legal rights. This digital guide includes information on data protection and copyright, along with a range of tools, templates, checklists and frequently asked questions to help you take the right steps in open licencing and meeting GDPR requirements.
This guide has been produced by Naomi Korn Associates for the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the largest funder of UK heritage. The Heritage Fund requires digital assets created with Lottery Funding to be shared under either CC-BY-4.0 or CC0. Although developed for Heritage Fund grantees, it is of use to those working in countries subject to GDPR who are working with projects that involve third party rights holders (volunteers, the public, contractors, partner institutions) and/or collect data relating to living people.
Naomi Korn Associates for The National Lottery Heritage Fund
United Kingdom, London
Twitter: @HeritageFundUK
Contributed by: Josephine Fraser (Twitter: @josiefraser)
Language: English
License: CC-BY