Events displayed in timezone: Europe/London

UniversitƩ Virtuelle du SƩnƩgal, quoi de neuf? _ Ndeye Massata Ndaye

UniversitƩ vituelle du SƩnƩgal Sangalkam, SƩnƩgal, Senegal

Docteur en informatique, spĆ©cialitĆ© numĆ©rique Ć©ducatif Digitalisation de formations - FOAD/MOOC, Ndeye Massata Ndaye nous prĆ©sentera l'UniversitĆ© Virtuelle du SĆ©nĆ©gal, l'intĆ©rĆŖt des ressources Ć©ducatives libres pour rĆ©duire les coĆ»ts d'accĆØs Ć  une Ć©ducation de qualitĆ© et les fruits du travail rĆ©alisĆ© pour "apprendre les REL". Plus de dĆ©tails Ć  venir! Webinaire sur inscription!

Open source and open education (online chat)

Online from Multiple Locations

Open source software is very effective in democratizing digital capabilities across a vast range of domains. As prime example, Moodle is an open source eLearning platform that powers hundreds of thousands of learning environments globally (it provides also the basic infrastructure for the Open Risk Academy). Yet contributing to open source faces the formidable barrier […]

Get to Know the New, Upcoming Illinois SCOERs Open Educational Resources Program 3

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois Champaign, IL, United States

Please join CARLI and the Open Educational Resource Committee as we celebrate a series of programs highlighting the upcoming publications of Illinois SCOERs Round Two and Three awardees. The Illinois SCOERs awards are made possible because of a generous grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE) and the United States Department […]

Est-ce que les ressources Ć©ducatives libres (REL) peuvent nous faire sauver du temps?

UniversitƩ Laval QuƩbec, QuƩbec, Canada

Cette prĆ©sentation tentera d'abord d'expliquer ce que sont les ressources Ć©ducatives libres (REL) et en quoi consiste le mouvement de l'Ć©ducation ouverte. On analysera ensuite ensemble la question du temps accordĆ© Ć  la crĆ©ation de nos ressources Ć©ducatives : Est-ce qu'une REL prend plus de temps Ć  crĆ©er qu'une ressource Ć©ducative standard? Qu'est-ce qui demande […]

Trent University OER Development Sprint: Drop-In Sessions

Trent University Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

2024 OER Development Sprint with your eCampusOntario Open Rangers: Kim English, Brent Ryan Bellamy & Friends! ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Understanding OER (Open Educational Resources) ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Adopting, adapting, remixing & revising existing OER ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Creating & sharing new OER ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Building open community Open Education Week 2024 Kick off event: March 4th, 11am-1pm Drop-in: March 5-8, 11am-1pm

convOERter: Ein Tool zur Konvertierung von Bildungsmaterialien mit Bildern in OER

Campus Luzern Luzern, Switzerland

FĆ¼r die Open Education Week @ Campus Luzern berichtet Lubna Ali, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Informatik 9 ā€“ Lerntechnologien/ RWTH Aachen, Ć¼ber der convOERter. OER kƶnnen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Bildung spielen. Allerdings gibt es noch viele Herausforderungen bei der Verwendung von OER in einem Bildungskontext. Eine der Herausforderungen ist die Umwandlung von […]

Training: Open online courses ā€“ professional knowledge for everyone

Gdańsk University of Technology Gdańsk, Pomeranian, Poland

This year, Gdańsk Tech University librarians invite everyone, including students and academic teachers, to two short training sessions devoted to open educational resources. The first training, on March 5, will be dedicated to free academic textbooks that can be found on the Internet, legally downloaded and used during classes at the university. The second one […]

ERASMUS+ Project DI4ALL (Digital Inclusion for all)

Lund Lund, Sweden

The Digital Inclusion for all Learners (DI4All) project aims to promote digital inclusion and improve the key competencies, skills, and learning performance of young people in schools. The project seeks to tackle disinformation through education and training and enhance the competencies of teachers and educators. Objectives: To improve the key competencies, skills, and learning performance […]

Webinar on Developing Interactive Open Textbooks for Indian School Education

Koneru Bhaskara Rao & Hemalata Human Development Foundation Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Open textbooks, a subset of open educational resources (OER) are digitally structured open textbooks, released in adaptable and shareable formats, with a Creative Commons Ā (CC) license. Open textbooks enable teachers to develop and update textbooks in alignment with their curricular needs and to improve students access to quality learning content. Pressbooks, a WordPress-based open textbooks […]

Gala Formatorilor BNRM 2023

Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova Chisinau, stat, Moldova, Republic of

Gala Formatorilor BNRM 2023, ediția a 6-a, online. Formatorii anului 2023 ai CFPC din cadrul BNRM: contribuții pentru Ć®nvățarea bazată pe competențe Join Zoom Meeting VsjJ73tlihXimVmZcO4C.1 Meeting ID: 854 1877 3615

Event Series Rentgen Otwartych ZasobĆ³w

Rentgen Otwartych ZasobĆ³w

AGH University of Krakow KrakĆ³w, Poland

Information about your paths with open educational resources, during 5 days of training not only the basic theoretical foundations, but above all, experience of working with open resources. Several tools are waiting for you, equipped with improved search, selection, resource utilization and sharing tools. The training is open to teachers and academic teachers as well […]

Launch of an Open Educational Resources Sharing Campaign via the Taziz Channel

King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Makkah Region, Saudi Arabia

The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education at King Abdulaziz University will launch a campaign through the Taziz channel during Open Education Week to provide over 550 open educational resources to facilitate access to educational content. The aim is to respond to the increasing demand for online education by effectively utilizing open educational resources through […]

Webinar on OER Literacy for LIS Professionals

Koneru Bhaskara Rao & Hemalata Human Development Foundation Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

On the eve of Open Education Week - March 4-8, 2024, KBR & HL Human Development Foundation and Department of Library and Information Science, Andhra University are jointly organizing a Webinar on "OER Literacy for LIS Professionals". This webinar aims to raise awareness about OER among the Indian LIS professionals in line with the UNESCO's […]

OEW x Learning Design Meetup: Synergising sustainability with OERs in Higher Education

University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Australia

Join us during Open Education Week for the UTS Learning Design Meetup. We will explore how we can leverage Open Educational Resources (OERs) to integrate sustainability concepts into your learning and teaching. Discover a range of tools developed at UTS that will help you incorporate theĀ UN Sustainable Development GoalsĀ (SDGs) and related concepts across various disciplines. […]

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