Open Pedagogical Practices: Using Wikipedia in the Classroom with guest presenter Sarah Severson

Norquest College Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Wikipedia in the classroom is often seen as something to avoid or "consumed at your peril." In this presentation, Sarah will discuss how we can reshape this perspective to demonstrate that Wikipedia is an open educational resource that can be utilized alongside open pedagogical practices. Instead of viewing Wikipedia as something we passively consume as […]

NorQuest Open Education Pecha Kucha

Norquest College Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

NorQuest continues to do incredible work in Open Education! Faculty at NorQuest College have published a number of successful OERs. Besides being used in our own courses here at the college, many have found an audience in the wider post-secondary world. Join us for a visual journey through the creation of these works, hosted by […]

Open Pedagogical Practices: How to be Open in your classroom

Norquest College Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

In this presentation, you will hear from Dr. Robert Lawson and Gayle St. Denis about the foundation of open pedagogy and the opportunities it presents. Open pedagogy empowers students to become involved in the development or co-development of educational resources. At some institutions, students are now co-creating multiple-choice questions, case studies, Wikipedia articles, and even […]

Open Applications: NorQuest UNSDG Open Pedagogy Fellows

Norquest College Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Hear from inaugural NorQuest UNSDG Fellows Arvind Bhogal and Fauziya Ali about their experiences with this global award-winning fellowship! They will share experiences with international inter-institutional partnerships, creation of renewable assignments aligned with specific Sustainable Development Goals, and the impact on their pedagogy and student experience. The session will include time for discussions and allow session participants to explore opportunities for […]

The Provocations of Indigenous Cultures within a Conference: Using Métissage to Explore the In/Compatibility of Indigenous Ways of Knowing with Open Education

Norquest College Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

At OE Global 2023 Indigenous ways of knowing and being were a fundamental component of the conference design and organization. Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizers established a collaborative governance approach to foster partnership and mutual guidance throughout the planning and execution stages. In this session, Dawn Witherspoon, Darrion Letendre, and Robert Lawson will perform métissage to […]

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