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Aanaab Online Workshops for Teachers

Saudi Arabia jeddah, makkah, Saudi Arabia

Set of open workshops to our teachers and tutors, hosted by our academic and educational partners around the world. There will be free attending certificate.

Trent University OER Development Sprint: Kickoff Event

Trent University Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

2024 OER Development Sprint with your eCampusOntario Open Rangers: Kim English, Brent Ryan Bellamy & Friends! •    Understanding OER (Open Educational Resources) •    Adopting, adapting, remixing & revising existing OER •    Creating & sharing new OER •    Building open community Open Education Week 2024 Kick off event: March 4th, 11am-1pm Drop-in: March 5-8, 11am-1pm

Conestoga Panel Discussion and Screening of Dr. Cable Green’s “Diamond Open Knowledge” OE Global Keynote.

Conestoga College Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Celebrate Open Week! Join Open Learning in Library and Learning Services for a screening of “Diamond Open Knowledge,” Dr. Cable Green's OE Global 2023 Keynote.  After the screening, we will host a panel discussion with Conestoga faculty and staff who attended the OE Global Conference in Edmonton. Join us to discuss the impact of open knowledge and […]

SUNY Online OEW webinars

The State University of New York Albany, NY, United States

SUNY Online is pleased to host and showcase several presentations this week from our SUNY campuses in celebration of Open Education Week, March 4-8, 2024. For complete details and to register for these free webinars throughout the week, visit:     

Open Educational Resources and (Generative) Artificial Intelligence: Potentials and Challenges

Online from Multiple Locations

In this online session, we talk about the implications of (Generative) Artificial Intelligence for Open Educational Resources with a focus on the Higher Education sector. As part of the project "KI-NEL-23-NRW", which is funded by the German Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education, the state portal is organising various offers (e.g. information events, workshops, […]

The Future of AI in Formal and Informal Education Contexts: Inclusion, Ethics and New Perspectives

EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

The panel will discuss the potential role and impact of artificial intelligence in both formal and informal educational contexts, highlighting the ethical implications and possibilities in terms of promoting the social and cultural inclusion of different categories of learners, such as those with protected characteristics (such as disability). In the panel, experts will present case […]

MATC OER Scavenger Hunt for Students

Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee, WI, United States

This scavenger hunt event from Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) is a campaign to raise awareness of the MATC OER webite for students and how to register for OER courses at MATC.

MATC OER Scavenger Hunt for Faculty and Staff

Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee, WI, United States

This event from Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) is a campaign to raise awareness of OER, OE Week, and OER resources. Three questions challenge participants to explore the MATC OER site, the new WisOPEN site, and the OE Week site.

Introduction to OER: how to create and use them?

Facultatea de Științe Politice - SNSPA Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

The workshop is an introduction to OER for students who choose to pursue a teaching career. Discussions will be focusing on several aspects: the specifics of open resources; current realization techniques; integrating open resources in organizing learning conditions. There will be presentations of and discussions on examples of open resources created by students in senior […]

SDG Week Canada

Centre of Canada Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

Overlapping with Open Education Week and very relevant is this series of in-person and virtual activities across Canada, of interest to open educators. SDG Week Canada is a national collaboration from March 4-8, 2024 featuring workshops, panels, and other interactive programming to increase awareness of and engagement with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on […]

Creative Commons Certificate: Licensing Q&A webinar with Meredith Jacob

Creative Commons Mountain View, CA, United States

This event is presented as part of the current session of Creative Commons Certificate courses. During the courses, participants have the opportunity to participate in a variety of webinars about topics across open education, open access, and open culture. This webinar is also being opened to the public as part of Open Education Week. Licensing […]

Affordable Learning KY’s Virtual Symposium – Open Education for a Sustainable Future

Affordable Learning Kentucky Frankfort, KY, United States

We are excited to invite you to Affordable Learning KY's free virtual seminar celebrating OE Global’s Open Education Week on March 4th, 2024 from 10:00 am - 4:15 pm (Eastern). This year's theme is "Open Education for a Sustainable Future," and we have a fantastic lineup of presenters and activities planned. Join us for the […]

Open Education Week @ Campus Luzern

Campus Luzern Luzern, Switzerland

Der Campus Luzern (Hochschule Luzern, Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern, Universität Luzern sowie die Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek ZHB) bietet eine Veranstaltungsreihe zu Open Educational Resources (OER) an. In fünf Mittagsbeiträgen, die jeweils von 12.15 bis 13.00 Uhr online stattfinden, werden Beispiele und Werkzeuge im Zusammenhang mit OER vorgestellt. Das Programm beginnt mit einer Standortbestimmung zu Open Education. […]

OEW2024 @ NDU: A Journey into Open Education

Notre Dame University-Louaize Zouk Mosbeh, Beirut, Lebanon

Open Education Week is an annual global event that celebrates the power of open education and the opportunities it presents for everyone. Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU) will be hosting a series of engaging events in celebration of Open Education Week 2024. Throughout the week, we will be offering a diverse range of virtual events, including […]

3 Experiències Innovadores en Educació Oberta

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

En aquesta activitat 3 professors de diferents departament de la UAB presentaran 3 projectes que tenen en comú la seva implicació amb la innovació a l'aula i el seu compromís amb l'educació oberta. Els projectes són els següents: De l’aula a la taula de joc: construint coneixement compartit a través del projecte PhyloGenome Descripció: PhyloGenome és […]

Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a USARB în susţinerea şi promovarea inițiativelor educaționale inovative

Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităde Stat Alecu Russo din Bălţi Bălţi, Moldova, Republic of

În cadrul Panelului de discuţii studenţii, cadrele didactice vor lua act de informaţii calitative privind componentele fundamentale ale ecosistemului informațional al educaţiei deschise, resursele educationale în asigurarea sustenabilității Repozitoriului Instituţional ORA USARB , vor dobândi competenţe necesare pentru a lucra cu resurse globale și instrumente de acces deschis din diverse baze de date, platforme educaţionale […]

University of Edinburgh OER Service: Open Textbook Interview Series

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

The University of Edinburgh has a long-standing commitment to providing and widening access to high quality online learning opportunities through open education and open educational resources (OER). This is supported by an OER Service and underpinned by our Open Educational Resources Policy that encourages staff and students to use, create and publish open licensed resources to enhance the quality of the student experience.  This year we’re celebrating Open Education Week […]

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