Sharing Assets To OER Commons for Open Education Week

We are excited this year to be collaborating with OER Commons as one of three suggested destinations for contributing to a pool of shared open assets for Open Education Week 2025. If you are new to OER Commons, this is an opportunity to learn more about a key resource for open educators. If you are experienced there, we invite you to share assets you have previously added to the collection we are creating.

For Open Education Week, Explore, Create and Collaborate at the OER Commons
(learn more about being part of OER Commons)

The main goal is highlight through OER Commons a set of assets that provide a message to the world about the depth and breadth of OER.

Below you will find the ways you can contribute to this activity. And we encourage you as well to make use of the Welcome to OER Commons materials available there.

Are you ready to take part?

Login in or create an OER Commons Account

Visit OER Commons and look for the Sign In / Register button in the top right.

If you have an account, review your profile and make any updates. For new accounts, you can fill out your profile once it is created: If you have an account, review your profile and make any updates.

This is the easy step! If you are new to OER Commons, explore the site and see OER you can discover.

Join the OEGlobal Group in OER Commons

We have a brand new Group for OEGlobal in OER Commons. When you visit, click the Join button.

Our first project here is collecting a set of OERs our community adds or shares in 2025 as part of Open Education Week. The plan is to assemble a large collection of exemplary OER as suggested by the OEWeek participants.

Join the Open Education Global group our new community space in OER Commons– see other participants under Members, connect via Discussions, and see what we can add to the open assets shared for OEWeek 2025.

See the next section for the ways you can contribute to our collection.

Add Open Assets to our Group

OER Commons offers a comprehensive platform called Open Author for creating OER that we encourage the community to learn more how it works. But we are asking for Open Education Week to make use of it’s Submit a Resource feature that enables sharing of OER published anywhere on the web.

The information requested is not much different from what Open Education Week collected in the past to store in our own collection. Since 2024 Open Education Week has advanced this by helping add to existing major collections of OER rather than building one more repository.

Once you join the OE Global group in OER Commons you can add a new resource by clicking the Contribute to this Group button. From the menu that appears, select Submit from Web (share via a web address)


Mostly what you need is the web address for any OER that of course is an educational resource published online under and open license. The information required is Title, Description, Provider or Source, License, Subject Area/Topic, Material Type, Language, and tags — please use the oeweek25 tag. On the second step, you have an option to upload an image to represent the resource (optional)

The OER Commons librarians review new submissions within 24-48 hours.

If you have previously added resources to OER Commons, we applaud you! You can add your best content to our OEWeek collection but using the Save button for any of your items, and select the Open Education Week 2025 folder below the OEGlobal group.

We leave it up to you to decide what is worth sharing to this collection in 2025. It could certainly be your own work, but can also be any other that inspires you. Think about its relevancy to current interests/practices, how well it demonstrates the best of open education for the world to see as an example. Perhaps it is the kind of resource you might use as an example if you were making a case for OER to a colleague.

Curated Collection of Open Assets Shared to OER Commons

We are collecting all of the open assets you share to our OE Global group in OER Commons, which we then make available as OEWeek 2025 Curated Collection. This itself is summary of what we co-create this year and is itself an open resource that can be searched and filtered to aid in discovery.

Each OER added to the collection will bear an icon from OE Week indicated being part of this collection.

Our OER Commons curated collection for OEWeek25 where each item added will include a badge indicating it was contributed for Open Education Week 2025.

More Ways to Contribute

Naturally we are eager to collect as many resources as possible to our collection. Beyond this we can suggest other was to be part of the activities in OER Commons.

  • Just by creating an OER Commons account as listed above and/or joining the OEGlobal group shows a support for Open Education Week. Within the group you can connect with others and participate in conversations.
  • You can add star ratings to the items in the OEWeek25 curated collection in OER Commons – this helps in the search and filtering features of OER Commons.
  • Adding comments / suggestions to any of these items provides feedback to its creators and aids in the decision of users of OER Commons who are looking for content.
  • Share anything of strong interest you find in the collection with your colleagues as well as in social media.
  • Post a message and write why you are interested in an item to the OEG Connect space for Sharing OE Week.

Open Asset Sharing for 2025

About the OE Week Asset Collection

Explore what has been shared for OE Week

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